Friday, December 10, 2010

Jay and Nick

The relationship between Jay and Nick is a weird one.  They live two very different lives but are similar in many aspects.  The two meet when Jay invites him over to house for a party.  Jay's home is a mansion of another kind.  It's huge and is always filled with people all the time.  Nick, never turning down an invitation, goes to Gatsby's.  Gatsby and Nick are both alike in the way that they are around people who talk but spend much of their time listening and observing as apposed to having input.  It's not until Gatsby finds that Nick is cousins with the lost love of his life, Daisy, that Gatsby really starts to take interest in Nick.  When this happens,  the reader (I) can't help but to ask myself 'Is the relationship between Jay and Nick real? Or is Jay just using Nick?'  This question would be much easier to answer if Nick, the narrator, author of the book, and main character could say how he really feels every once in a while.  Well since Nick is not one to speak on his emotions, I must make assumptions.  I believe that the relationship between Jay and Nick was not real at first, but as time goes on, I'm starting to see a lot of progression.  The two aren't really friend oriented people they are both pretty to themselves, so when Jay invites Nick over, it's just to find Daisy and Nick just goes with the flow of things.  I think that they really start to bond when they go out to lunch together and they learn a lot about each other.  The moment that I really knew that their friendship was going to be real is when I read about how happy Gatsby was with Daisy.  Nick has brought this happiness upon Gatsby and I believe that this is a quality of a true friend.

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