Thursday, November 4, 2010

Modern Day Slavery

Today, slavery is illegal. All though it doesn't seem like it, slavery is still going on.  Sure, there aren't villages of people being kidnapped from their homes and forced into hard labor but the idea of slavery is still around.  Slaves were forced to do things that they didnt want to, they weren't given a choice in life, they were expected to work until they couldn't work any more and in order to live, they had no choice but to listen to the people above them.  Modern day slavery is all around us.  There are the single parents, who have no time for their kids, spending their whole lives working to provide.  There are the CEO's who don't know what it's like to have a life outside of work, or who have lost everything to their work.  There are the lower class citizens, working on minimum wage, who couldn't dream of ever getting out of their current situation due to the fact that they never had anything more.  There are even the famous celebrities who know nothing but to entertain and with the constant publicity, aren't able to lead real lives.  Today slaves are everywhere, whether it's because of the economy, responsibility, pressure, or outter influences, people are enslaved by work and lose time for the things that really matter in life, such as family values, fun, experiences, and overall happiness.

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