Sunday, May 15, 2011

Analysis of Tell Tale Heart

The story, of The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe is surely a confusing one.  So first off this really crazy person (who by the way, we don't know whether they are a man or a woman) just goes crazy plotting to kill another man.  By human nature, we tend to assume that when there is no given gender, it is a man but after thinking and reading through the story a couple of times, I began to believe that this killer could very well be a woman.  A very big part of this story was the killer's motif of killing the man, which the narrator describes as "evil eye".  I found this reason to make no sense at all and I started to conclude that there were additional emotions that the narrator had towards the man that they were not able to express.      Since I saw the narrator as more of a servant than any other possibility, I came to the conclusion that the servant was secretly in love with the man and decided to kill him since the man did not feel the same. duh...thanks

Monday, May 2, 2011

One and Lonely

     Delilah Mackenzie spent most of her time with her friends or her parents and she was almost never alone.  Whenever she was alone, she was either texting someone or talking to them on the phone.  One day after school, Delilah got on the bus to go home, she had stayed at school a little late and all of her friends had left for home already.  She was not looking forward to going home at all since she had left her iPod at home earlier and she had been upset with her friends for leaving her, so she decided not to text them.  Delilah had to constantly be around someone or something to keep her mind off of what was always bothering her and she was actually terrified of having nothing to occupy her thoughts as she headed home.
     "Hold the bus!" Delilah yelled as she was running up from the train station.  As she walked on the bus she found a seat next to an old woman who looked nice and innocent, Delilah was usually stuck sitting next to some perverted man or sloppy kid so today she was in luck.  Delilah was about two miles away from her house when she realized that she really had to use the bathroom.  She had had to pee all day but she hated using the bathroom in public.  This was an emergency, Delilah pulled the string to request for the bus to stop and skittered off of the bus, with her knee caps practically glued together.  She used the restroom at McDonald's and due to their costumer's only policy she was forced to buy a Strawberry Banana Smoothy. Instead of waiting for another bus to come, Delilah thought she would get on at another stop that was less congested since all of the Kenwood High School students got on outside of the McDonald's.  
    Since Delilah had never actually walked from the bus stops, she got a little lost.  She walked through about two blocks of apartment buildings that all looked the same and she finally got to rest at a small play ground on the corner of the street.  Delilah suddenly became very familiar with her surroundings, and remembered her mom taking her to this park many times before.  She ran to the swings as if she were four years old again and she started to swing.  Swinging higher and higher with every kick, as she reached a point where she couldn't feel herself going any higher, she closed her eyes and let go.  Delilah went flying through the air and forgot to catch her fall.  Delilah hit the ground hard and started to cry, it wasn't the physical pain that got to her, it was an emotional pain that caused the tears to run down her face.  
   Delilah immediately got up, went to the bus stop, and went home.  That was the last time in a long time Delilah had chosen to be alone.  

Friday, April 15, 2011

Werewolf- Cocorosie

In a dream I was a werewolf
My soul was filled with crystal light
Lavender ribbons of rain sang
Ridding my heart of mortal fight
Broken sundown fatherless showdown
Gun hip swollen lip bottle sip, yeah I suck dick
Loose grip on gravity falls sky blinding crumbling walls
River sweep away my memories of
Children's things a young mother's love
Before the yearning song of flesh on flesh
Young hearts burst open wounds bleed fresh
A young brother skinny and tall my older walks
Oceanward and somber, slumber sleeping
Flowers in the water, but I'm just his daughter
Walking down an icy grave leading to my
Schizophrenic father. Weeping willow won't you wallow louder
Searching for my father's power
I'm a shake you off though
Get up on that horse and
Ride into the sunset
Look back with no remorse
He's a black magic wielder some say a witch
Wielded darkness when he was violent, my eyes my arms
And I'm her child and he was the bastard that broke
Up the marriage evil doer doing evil from a baby carriage
And he was born with the same blue eyes
Crystal ships dripping with ice, diamonds coruscate
In the night fireworks electric bright
And now he's got his own two sons
Trys to hide his tears in a world of fun
But loveless bedrooms filled with doom
Bring silent heartache July to June
Swoon over new young heart flame
Mourn the memories later
Laugh now alligator
In a dream my father came to me
And made me swear that I'd keep
What's sacred to me
And if I get the choice to live in his name
I'll pray my way through the rain
Singing oh happy day
I don't mean to close the door
But for the record my heart is sore
You blew through me like bullet holes
Left stains on my sheets and stains on my soul
You left me broke down begging for change
Had to catch a ride with a man who's deranged
He had your hands and my father's face
Another western vampire
Different time same place
I has dreams that brings me sadness
Rain much deeper than a river
Sorrow flow through me
Tiny waves of shivers
Corny movies make me reminisce
They break me down easy on this generic love ship
First kiss frog and princess
I'm a shake you off though
Get up on that horse and
Ride into the sunset
Look back with no remorse

Werewolf, is a young woman's desperate cry for help.  She has experienced a dreadful ending to a very serious relationship that she was in.  The end of this love has caused her to look back on everything in her life and evaluate why/how this has happened to her.  She speaks about her "Schizophrenic father" many times in this poem and is angry at both him and her former lover for leaving.  She also talks about her former lover, calling him a "bastard" and analyzing his life, his cold heart is the reason he left her the way she did.  Another very important, yet strange aspect of this poem is how she incorporated nature throughout.  I believe that this is done to make her feelings all the more deep.  When referring to all of the tears she shed she says "Rain much deeper than a river" instead of something uncreative and simple like "I cried a lot" because now her tears are something to the reader, the rain that we see pouring down outside represents her tears.  Finally she finds a way to pick herself up in the end when she said "I'm a shake you off though
Get up on that horse and
Ride into the sunset
Look back with no remorse"

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Beat Street

As cheesy and old as this movie is, I actually enjoy Beat Street.  From the leg warmers to the big hair to the outdated catch phrases, this movie is the 80's.  If it isn't the fast times of the 80's that make this movie, it's the characters.  Beat street shows the life of a group of kids who don't have  much due to where they are from but find a way to all do what they love, which is express themselves through art.  They all take interest in different forms of art, music, dance, painting, but one thing that they all share is passion.  Every single character in this movie has passion, which I admire.  I believe that the passion that these characters have for art and the love that they have for their family and friends can take them anywhere they wish to go.  The struggle that these characters go through on a daily basis shows how strong they are.  I think that everyone should watch Beat Street.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Hunger for Attention

In the book "Black Boy" we meet a kid who is hungry for attention by the name of Richard.  I don't think that there is anything wrong with the way that  Richard did things for attention.  I mean, sure killing a cat and setting a house on fire are two very drastic things, but someone who gets no attention at all has to do drastic things to be noticed.  You can't blame Richard for the things that he did for attention since after all, he's a little kid and all little kids need attention.  Correction: everyone, in some way needs attention.  Whether we know it or not, we all do certain things for attention from others. Whether it's something as simple as brushing our hair for once, or something as big as setting a house on fire, we all do it.  I know that I for one, am ALWAYS craving attention.  I do the smallest, most ridiculous things for it sometimes.  Like for example,  my best friend is always ditching me for her significant other, and one day when I just thought that I needed to put an end to her leaving me, I bursted out into tears in the middle of the hallway!  It really sucks when you lose the attention that you once had and it feels as though most of the time, you'd do anything to get it back, even make a fool out of yourself in front of the whole school.  There is nothing wrong about wanting attention, we're only human and often times when we feel truly cared about and we're given attention we just always want more.  

Friday, January 21, 2011

America, our melting pot? or salad?

In the essay "On being a Mexican American" the writer talks about his childhood that was crafted by the mexican cultures and how over time, America changed him and he soon forgot about his culture.  This is a great example of how our country is a melting pot, theoretically that is.   When someone comes to America they come with traditions and a whole entire background of another country.  Some choose to hold on to these things while others choose to totally domesticate themselves into our American society.  Those who don't domesticate themselves are usually looked down upon or discriminated against in some way.  In our society, if someone chooses to show pride in a country that they are from, they are not American to everyone around them.  I find this very strange since America is supposed to be the place of diversity and everyone is supposed to be different.  Our country is meant to be a salad bowl, where everyone has a different purpose, a different idea, and a different culture, but still be able to be together and work.

Friday, January 14, 2011

King, Still King?

Before I say if Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is still a king, I must answer the question of if he was ever a king in the first place.  He lead and inspired those around him.  He had ideas and shared them with our nation.  He died, standing for what he believed in. I think the more appropriate word for him, was hero.  Why not call him a king, you ask?  Kings are of the monarchy system.  The typical king in power, controlled everything and what they say went, although many kings were great they were rulers, Dr. Martin Luther King was a leader.  A true ruler, a king, works hard, does what they want, and stops at absolutely nothing to be great, and let's not forget about all the grapes they get to eat.  A leader, like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr,  also worked hard, but didn't exactly do what he wanted.  He knew what he wanted and chased his dreams, but always thought about what would benefit others around him the most and took criticism very well. A great king was defined by conquest and the battles that they'd won, Dr. MLK didn't ever result to violence no matter what.  Lastly, MLK wasn't the law, he was against it, trying to liberate African Americans around him. So was he a king? No, but he was surely a leader, a hero, and a civilian.  His dream lives on today, as well as what he was.