Thursday, February 3, 2011

Hunger for Attention

In the book "Black Boy" we meet a kid who is hungry for attention by the name of Richard.  I don't think that there is anything wrong with the way that  Richard did things for attention.  I mean, sure killing a cat and setting a house on fire are two very drastic things, but someone who gets no attention at all has to do drastic things to be noticed.  You can't blame Richard for the things that he did for attention since after all, he's a little kid and all little kids need attention.  Correction: everyone, in some way needs attention.  Whether we know it or not, we all do certain things for attention from others. Whether it's something as simple as brushing our hair for once, or something as big as setting a house on fire, we all do it.  I know that I for one, am ALWAYS craving attention.  I do the smallest, most ridiculous things for it sometimes.  Like for example,  my best friend is always ditching me for her significant other, and one day when I just thought that I needed to put an end to her leaving me, I bursted out into tears in the middle of the hallway!  It really sucks when you lose the attention that you once had and it feels as though most of the time, you'd do anything to get it back, even make a fool out of yourself in front of the whole school.  There is nothing wrong about wanting attention, we're only human and often times when we feel truly cared about and we're given attention we just always want more.  

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