Friday, January 21, 2011

America, our melting pot? or salad?

In the essay "On being a Mexican American" the writer talks about his childhood that was crafted by the mexican cultures and how over time, America changed him and he soon forgot about his culture.  This is a great example of how our country is a melting pot, theoretically that is.   When someone comes to America they come with traditions and a whole entire background of another country.  Some choose to hold on to these things while others choose to totally domesticate themselves into our American society.  Those who don't domesticate themselves are usually looked down upon or discriminated against in some way.  In our society, if someone chooses to show pride in a country that they are from, they are not American to everyone around them.  I find this very strange since America is supposed to be the place of diversity and everyone is supposed to be different.  Our country is meant to be a salad bowl, where everyone has a different purpose, a different idea, and a different culture, but still be able to be together and work.

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