Sunday, October 3, 2010

John Proctor. Hero or Stooge?

In the novel, The Crucible we have a ride variety of characters.  One, very interesting one is John Proctor.  When debating on whether John is a hero or a stooge, I must say that he is a hero.
    Yes, John did make a mistake by having an affair with Abigail, but everyone makes mistakes.  The definition of hero is not "one who makes no mistakes", if that were the case then there would be no heros in the world.  The actual definition of hero is debatable.  A hero can be one that inspires for some, or one that leads for others.  To me, a hero is a leader, a strong believer, and independent.  John is able to stand for what he believes in.  He sees Parris, and his materialistic ways for what they really are and he takes a stand.  I'm sure that everyone else sees how greedy Parris is with money too but they are all too afraid to speak up.  Proctor is not afraid of what other people think, and I admire him for that.  I'm sure that if he were to be given the chance he would take back his relations with Abigail, he would take it, and that he feels very sorry for what happened.  i can tell that Proctor really loves his family, and would do anything for them to be happy.  Proctor has many qualities of a hero including independence, self thinker, loving, and even remorseful, and I could never look to him as a stooge.


  1. This is the same way I feel about John too Lauren. (*Great minds think alike.) He didnt care about anything but doing what he thought was right. But there is always is the big question where popele have to choose between dying with a cause or living with guilt. Will you stand for something so strong that you will give your life for the cause. Personally, I dont think I could do it. Could you?

  2. By the way, nice background. How did you get it to be like this?
