Thursday, September 9, 2010


  Hi I'm Lauren Jeon, people call me many different things , Lo, Lala, Summer, LJ, oh and my favorite Chubby (for my cheeks).  I am a freshman/frackie at Whitney Young.  I was born and raised here in Chicago by my African American mother and Korean father, and I love the city life.  I can get almost anywhere on public transportation, which I also like to call "the pub".  I don't have any set activities that I am particularly interested in and instead I tend to go with the flow of things, me and my best friend Da Uhn, that is, we go everywhere together.  My favorite color is pink.  I am often found helping out others in many ways. I am always listening to music, and most likely it's something that you have never heard of.  I have a small dog named Honey and he knows everything about me. I am also a HUGE fan of naps, I take them everyday.  Academically, I like a challenge and I'm a very hardworker.  I like to think that I give everything that I do 110%.


  1. I haven't heard anyone call you by those nicknames.

  2. best friend DaUhn? i'm heart broken </3
    not as heart broken as Gabby would be ;P

  3. Da Uhn was watching :)
    ME and sukari are Bff's too (for any fellow bloggers out there)

    Kamal Kamal. They're confidential nick names :P

  4. Hi Lauren! we went to gradeschool together remember Mr. C!!!!!!! he was the best techer ever!
