Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.

     After reading an excerpt from "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" I felt many things, mainly confused.  Religion is known to be the sanctuary of many, within religion people find hope and forgiveness.  Edwards is scaring people into believing, giving them the impression that if they don't they will be damned forever.  He is forcing his beliefs on people, as if people can't make decisions on their own.  This sermon by Jonathan Edwards, was quite disturbing. He seemed like a judgmental, cruel, hypocrite.  He judged those who had not been saved yet, commenting on how they should be thankful for life, and God had no reason to keep them on earth for their sins.  He was cruel, in the way that this sermon was not a sermon at all, instead it was an attack on all those who did not follow him, who he believes is some type of mortal god.  John Edwards was either a large hypocrite or in denial, he seemed to have the idea that he had never sinned, which is impossible because everyone makes mistakes and for him to stand in front of these people and make them feel like any less of a person than they are was wrong.  If I were to ever meet John Edwards, I don't think that I'd like him very much since he has a very twisted idea of what religion is, and chose to use his powers for bad.  Lastly, the way that John Edwards explains this God of his, is insane, the question that I was constantly asking myself while reading this excerpt was "If this God is one to take pleasure out of killing those who make mistakes and sending them to hell forever instead of forgiving them, why praise him?"

Thursday, September 16, 2010

There Goes the Neighborhood

    The African Slave trade was possibly one of the worst culture clashes in American history.  Taking place in the 1700's, here we have Americans finding Africans, kidnapping them, selling them, and forcing them to work.   During this time, Americans treated Africans like scum, having little value or ability.  Here is a story of an African boy and his experience of being taken from his homeland.
     14 years old, the last time I saw her.  It was always just me and her, Dad was long gone but she never talked about it, and I never asked about it.  They came in the night, those pale men with ships, powerful weapons, a language that I'd never heard before.  Foreign was the word for these men.  They took me along with half of our village, beating us until we were all packed tight on the ship.  Mom fought for me, she knew what was going on,they left her "useless" i heard them say.  It was almost impossible to know what was happening, these people coming to our village to kill and steal, this village where everyone's taught to love. Who were these people? All I knew was that there were more of them, and I had a feeling they'd all be lined up wherever I was being taken.  
    After what had seemed forever on the ship,  finally getting out was a relief, all though I was absolutely right.  There they all were, the small pale creatures.  Examining us one by one, and auctioning us off.  The selling of a human being? What was this place?  Was this how everyone here came to be? Were they to make me pale as well?  40 pounds, that was the value of my freedom.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


  Hi I'm Lauren Jeon, people call me many different things , Lo, Lala, Summer, LJ, oh and my favorite Chubby (for my cheeks).  I am a freshman/frackie at Whitney Young.  I was born and raised here in Chicago by my African American mother and Korean father, and I love the city life.  I can get almost anywhere on public transportation, which I also like to call "the pub".  I don't have any set activities that I am particularly interested in and instead I tend to go with the flow of things, me and my best friend Da Uhn, that is, we go everywhere together.  My favorite color is pink.  I am often found helping out others in many ways. I am always listening to music, and most likely it's something that you have never heard of.  I have a small dog named Honey and he knows everything about me. I am also a HUGE fan of naps, I take them everyday.  Academically, I like a challenge and I'm a very hardworker.  I like to think that I give everything that I do 110%.